卫您守护危疾多重保系列(“本计划”)包括卫您守护危疾多重保、卫您守护危疾多重保(自选计划)(“自选计划”)以及卫您守护危疾多重保 - 保宝版/卫您守护危疾多重保(自选计划)- 保宝版(“保宝版”)。本计划是一份分红保险计划,就194种病症提供保障,包括慢性疾病(“三高”),例如三高都市病-高血压、高脂血症、糖尿病。
本计划为常见的严重病症及特别疾病提供持续支援 - 高达8次危疾赔偿及人寿保障,自选计划的总保障高达原保额的980%,让您安然应付医疗开支。自选计划更可自选3项严重病症作额外保障,度身订造切合需要的计划。
如受保人不幸确诊任何一种受保的严重病症,包括癌症、急性心肌梗塞和中风等,我们将支付“严重病症保障”4, 金额相等于原保额100%及终期红利1的面值(如有),并扣除任何已赔付的“特别疾病保障”及/或“慢性疾病保障”。同时,我们会豁免剩馀保费3,以减轻您的财务压力。
● 连续72小时或以上-预支原保额20%8
● 连续120小时或以上,并接受指定複杂手术-原保额100%
癌症、急性心肌梗塞及中风等疾病,复发率高,因此本系列提供多重严重病症保障。如受保人于88 岁的保单週年日前再患上受保严重病症,我们会提供“多重严重病症保障”,令您放心接受治疗。
● 癌症- 5次
● 急性心肌梗塞及/或中风- 3次
● 亚尔兹默氏病 - 1次
● 其他严重病症(末期疾病、不能独立生活、完全及永久伤残及深切治疗连複杂手术除外)- 1次
● 末期疾病、不能独立生活、完全及永久伤残或深切治疗连複杂手术- 1次(只限于严重病症保障下赔偿)
卫您守护危疾多重保、卫您守护危疾多重保 - 保宝版之总保障额高达原保额的880%,而自选计划之总保障额更高达980%:
100% 严重病症保障 |
+ | 80% 额外保障 |
+ | 700% 多重严重病症保障 |
+ | 100% 自选严重病症保障(只适用于自选计划) |
A) 自选严重病症保障11,倍加保障
B) 持续癌症支援保障12,减轻财务负担
为加强治疗癌症的支援及弥补治疗期间损失的收入,若受保人投保自选计划,并于88岁的保单週年日前因癌症获严重病症保障或多重严重病症保障赔偿, 我们将赔付“持续癌症支援保障”。
保宝版 - 怀孕及初生婴儿保障,守护挚爱
• 为严重病症或特别疾病提供保障:包括投保时未获发现先天性疾病所引致的危疾
- 出生后90日内,就该严重病症或特别疾病的所有索偿,赔付原应付保额的20%
- 出生后90日后,就该严重病症或特别疾病的所有索偿, 赔付原应付保额的100%
身故保障 :
- 出生后180日内,赔付身故赔偿及额外保障的20%
- 出生后180日后,赔付身故赔偿及额外保障的100%
保费供款年期15及投保年龄 |
保障年期 | 至受保人100岁 (有关各保障之保障年期的详情,请参阅“保障表”。) •慢性疾病保障: 由第15个保单週年日或受保人65岁(以较后者为准)起至100岁 •指定严重病症保障、指定特别疾病保障: 至受保人18岁 •多重严重病症保障: 至受保人88岁 •自选严重病症保障: 至受保人80岁 •持续癌症支援保障: 至受保人88岁 •怀孕恩恤保障: 婴孩出生前 •额外保障: 至受保人66岁 •父母身故豁免缴付保费保障: 至受保人18岁 |
保费缴付模式16 | 年缴17半年缴、季缴、月缴、按年缴交及保费预缴18(只适用于10年保费供款年期) | |||||||||||||
保单货币 | 港元/美元 | |||||||||||||
最低保额 | 120,000港元/15,000美元 |
备注 :
- 非保证终期红利为一次性分红,并不是永久附加于本计划上,而且为非保证。终期红利(如有)将于第5个保单週年日起,于下列最早发生的情况下支付:
在日后公佈时终期红利的现金价值及面值之金额或会有所增减,而终期红利的现金价值将会相等或少于其面值。终期红利之面值(如有)将在本公司赔付“身故赔偿”时或本公司就“严重病症保障”、“特别疾病保障”及/或“慢性疾病保障”已赔付的原应付保额已达本计划之原保额的100%时一同派发。在保单被退保时或保单满期日时,本公司会支付终期红利之现金价值(如有)。在某些情况下,终期红利可能为零。 - 本公司将按照本计划之原保额的80%额外赔付“额外保障”予受益人(当赔付“身故赔偿”的情况)或保单持有人(当赔付“严重病症保障”的情况)。
- 本计划之“严重病症保障”、“特别疾病保障”及/或“慢性疾病保障”已赔付的原应付保额达原保额的100%,将豁免受保人的基本寿险之剩馀保费。
- 本公司于赔付“严重病症保障”或“身故赔偿”时,会先扣除任何已赔付的“慢性疾病保障”及/或“特别疾病保障”的原应付保额,以及任何保单负债。
- “特别疾病保障”及“慢性疾病保障”均为预支赔偿,本计划之现时保额将会因为本公司已赔付“特别疾病保障”(如有)及/或“慢性疾病保障”(如有)的原应付保额而相应减少,而本计划的保费及保证现金价值亦会按比例降低,但终期红利(如有)将不会因此而受影响。若其后本计划内就“严重病症保障”或“身故赔偿”作出赔付,亦需扣除任何已赔付的“特别疾病保障”及/或“慢性疾病保障”的原应付保额。
本计划下已作出的预支赔偿之总原应付保额上限为本计划之原保额的100%,当已作出的预支赔偿之总原应付保额达到本计划之原保额的100%后,本公司亦会同时支付非保证终期红利的面值(如有)及豁免本计划之剩馀保费。为免存疑,“特别疾病保障”及“慢性疾病保障”赔付的总原应付保额不会超过本计划之原保额的100%。 - 每个特别疾病之赔付次最多为1次,惟原位癌之赔偿次数最多为2次。每受保人就同一个特别疾病于“特别疾病保障”赔付之原应付保额不可超过50,000美元(美元保单)/ 400,000港元(港元保单)或其他货币的同等价值。为免存疑,若受保人同时受保于其他由本公司缮发的保单,本公司于所有该等保单就同一个特别疾病而作出赔付的总原应付保额不会超过本段落所述之金额上限。
- 原位癌之赔偿次数最多为2次,第二次赔付的原位癌所在器官须与首次赔付所在器官不同,方符合第二次赔付的条件。若相关器官由左及右部份构成(包括但不限于肺及乳房),则该器官的左边及右边将被视爲相同的器官。
- 若受保人入住的深切治疗部于香港及澳门以外地区,“特别疾病保障”赔偿将会等于基本寿险之原保额的10%。为免存疑,假如入住的深切治疗部位于中华人民共和国境内,“特别疾病保障”只会赔付在中华人民共和国国家卫生健康委员会确定的三级甲等医院内的入住,即相等于本计划之原保额的10%。
- “慢性疾病保障”的总赔偿次数最多为1次,而总原应付保额上限为本计划之原保额的10%。每受保人就同一个慢性疾病于“慢性疾病保障”赔付之原应付保额不可超过美元25,000(美元保单)/港元200,000(港元保单)或其他货币的同等价值。为免存疑,若受保人同时受保于其他由本公司缮发的保单,本公司于所有该等保单就同一个慢性疾病而作出赔付的总原应付保额不会超过本段落所述之金额上限。
- “多重严重病症保障”的原应付保额最多为基本寿险之原保额的700%。“严重病症保障”、“多重严重病症保障”及“持续癌症支援保障”(如适用)就癌症赔付的总原应付保额不会超过基本寿险之原保额的500%。若“严重病症保障”、“多重严重病症保障”及“持续癌症支援保障”(如适用)就癌症赔付的总原应付保额超过基本寿险之原保额的500%,本公司将不会赔付超出的金额。除癌症、急性心肌梗塞或中风以外,本公司就每项严重病症于“严重病症保障”或“多重严重病症保障”下承担1项赔偿责任。
(e)若其后的严重病症由专科医生证实为前次癌症延伸之复发癌症、转移性癌症或持续癌症,则该癌症与紧接前次癌症之确诊日期之间须相隔至少3年(包括首尾两日)。就持续癌症而言,受保人须于上述提及的日期期间内已接受或正接受专科医生的积极治疗 ;
(h)若其后的严重病症为中风,并由专科医生证实及具有诊断证明支持与为中风的前次病症为新一次及不同的中风,则上述2次中风的确诊日期之间须相隔至少1年(包括首尾两日)。 - 保单持有人于投保时,须以本公司指定表格或本公司接受的书面申请,可选择下列六项指定严重病症中的三项病症作为与此“自选严重病症保障”相关的受保病症(“自选严重病症保障受保病症”)。于作出选择及本计划开始生效之后,保单持有人不可更改自选严重病症保障受保病症。本保障下的指定严重病症包括:
在本计划有效期内,若受保人于达80岁的保单週年日前被注册医生确诊患有自选严重病症保障受保病症,经本公司查核该受保病症属于在本计划承保责任范围内,除了“严重病症保障”赔偿或“多重严重病症保障”赔偿(视乎情况而定),本公司将额外赔付“自选严重病症保障”赔偿保单持有人,相等于按照本计划之原保额的100%。“自选严重病症保障”最多赔付1次。若“自选严重病症保障”因“多重严重病症保障”而额外赔付,受保人须于确诊日期后14日后仍然生存。 - 在本计划有效期内,若受保人于达88岁的保单週年日前因癌症而获得“严重病症保障”或“多重严重病症保障”赔偿,且受保人于确诊日期后14日仍然生存,在赔付与该次癌症相关的“严重病症保障”、“多重严重病症保障”及/或“自选严重病症保障”(如适用)外,本公司将由确诊日期起就该癌症以预支方式赔付“持续癌症支援保障”赔偿予保单持有人,相等于每月按照本计划之原保额的1.5%并扣除任何保单负债,赔付连续36个月或直至“多重严重病症保障”赔偿为止(以较先者为准)(“每次持续癌症支援保障”)。于每次持续癌症支援保障期间,受保人需由确诊日期起每6个月提交本公司满意之证明文件,以证明受保人已接受或正接受专科医生的积极治疗。该证明文件应为(i)日期于上述日期期间的第6个月内及(ii)不迟于该证明文件后的30日向本公司提交。任何与严重病症相关的“多重严重病症保障”的其后索偿会因为紧接前次已赔付的“持续癌症支援保障”的金额而减少。若保单于赔付期间内因任何原因而终止或本公司于上述指定时间内未能收到所要求的文件,该次“持续癌症支援保障”赔偿将会随即停止并不会派发馀额。
(iv)于受保人达88岁的保单週年日。 - 于本计划有效期内,当受保人于本计划缮发日期或保单生效日(以较后者为准)时为孕妇,该孕妇于本计划内将只受此“怀孕恩恤保障”保障。如身为受保人的孕妇:
本公司将赔付“怀孕恩恤保障”予受益人(适用于上述(i)的情况)或保单持有人(适用于上述(ii)或(iii)的情况),相等于按照本计划的累积到期已缴保费的105%扣除任何保单负债后,而本计划即告终止。当孕妇于同时怀孕2个胎儿而失去其中1名胎儿时,本公司将赔付其中一份于投保日期时同时申请且相同保额的卫您守护危疾多重保–保宝版 /卫您守护危疾多重保(自选计划) - 保宝版中的“怀孕恩恤保障”。 - 当本计划下的婴孩出生后,保单持有人必须于第1个保单週年日之前的45日或以前向本公司提交该婴孩的出生证明文件。当本公司收妥该等出生证明文件,将签发一份有关本计划由孕妇更改为婴孩的转换受保人的批单。倘若本公司未曾于第1个保单週年日之前的45日或以前收妥该婴孩的出生证明文件,本计划将在第1个保单週年日终止。本计划将无法恢复保单效力,而保费将不会退还。
原应付保额指“身故赔偿”、“慢性疾病保障”、“特别疾病保障”、“严重病症保障”、“额外保障”、“多重严重病症保障”、“自选严重病症保障”(如适用)或“持续癌症支援保障”(如适用)的应付百分比的金额。 - 除保费外,您需于保费供款年期内另行支付保单费用,金额为每年200港元/25美元(视乎保单货币而定)。
- 您应在缴费宽限期内缴交所须缴付的续期保费,使保单维持有效。有关详情请参阅中国人寿(海外)缮发的保单条款。如保单失效或提早退保,您可领取之保单现金价值可能会低于已缴付之总保费。
- 保宝版首个保单年度须为年缴保费缴付模式。
- 如您选择以按年缴交及保费预缴的方式支付保费,您可一笔过全数提取尚未使用的预缴保费(包括利息,如有),惟中国人寿(海外)将收取相当于提取款项的2%,最低收费为100港元/12.5美元。您只可提取尚未使用的预缴保费一次。预缴保费的利息并非保证不变。
Important Information:
Please refer to the policy documents for the complete definitions of the capitalised terms, as well as all the terms and conditions of this product. You are reminded to review all of the relevant product materials provided to you and to seek independent professional advice if necessary.
- The policy is underwritten by China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited (“China Life (Overseas)” or "us / we / our"). China Life (Overseas) is responsible for the features, underwriting and benefit payments under the policy. You should fully understand all of the risks involved in this product and consider whether this product is affordable and suitable to you before making your application.
- China Life (Overseas) shall make the final decisions on the underwriting and claims. We shall rely on your submitted information to assess whether to accept or decline your application, and shall refund any Premium paid without interest for declined cases.
- Exclusions - The accidental death benefit under this policy shall not cover any claims if the insured is involved in any of the following activities or the consequences directly or indirectly caused by any of the following events occur in respect of the insured: (a) war, act of hostility (whether war declared or not), civil war, revolution or any military actions; (b) rebellion, civil commotion, riot, strike or activities of terrorism; (c) contamination resulting from nuclear weapons, ionizing radiation, nuclear fuel or waste produced from the combustion of nuclear fuel (the said nuclear combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission); (d) during war, act of hostility (whether war declared or not), any military actions or repression of rebellion, the insured is engaging in or taking part in military services; (e) directly or indirectly caused by the insured engaging in aviation, except as a passenger on an aircraft of a commercial airline on a scheduled route; (f) self-inflicted injuries or suicide (whether sane or not) by or attempted by the insured (whether felony or not); (g) childbirth, pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion, even if it is accelerated or induced by an accident ; (h) surgery operated on the insured and induced by disease, infected disease or incident that is not caused by an accident ; (i) taking of poison or inhaling poisonous gas or poisonous mist (whether voluntary or not); except accidental inhaling by the insured in a fire ; (j) the insured as a professional athlete participating in sports or earning income or remuneration through the sports; (k) participating in hunting, mountaineering, motor racing, horse racing, ice-skiing, skiing, scuba-diving, parachuting, hang-gliding, boxing or any other competitions or performances; (l) while the Insured is on duty as a professional driver and is entering, driving, operating, servicing, riding in or departing from any land vehicle or conveyance outside the territorial limits of Hong Kong and Macau; (m) the insured is assaulted or murdered during rebellion, civil commotion, strikes or when making an arrest while the Insured is employed as a full-time or part-time police officer or cadet officer, or is an officer or a member of the Correctional Services Department; or (n) the Insured is assaulted or murdered during rebellion, civil commotion or strikes while the Insured is employed as a fireman, or is on duty as a fireman and is engaging in firefighting or activities for protecting people and property in a fire.
In addition, the information stated in this product brochure is for reference only. Please refer to the general provisions for the exact terms and conditions and limitations such as incontestability, suicide and fraud etc. or all exclusions. - Non-payment of premium / automatic premium loan - You should pay premium(s) on time according to the selected premium payment schedule. If the due premium remains unpaid upon the expiry of the grace period, an automatic premium loan will be taken out against the policy to settle the unpaid premium automatically. All policy loans are interest-bearing and calculated at a rate (as stated on our corporate website www.chinalife.com.hk) to be declared by us from time to time. Interest accrued shall become a part of the indebtedness. When the loan balance is equal to or exceeds the guaranteed cash value of the basic plan of the policy, the policy will be lapsed and you will lose the related insurance coverage and suffer a financial loss. Under these circumstances, the surrender value of the policy will be deducted to repay the outstanding loan balance (including interest), and the remaining value will be refunded to you.
- Dividend and / or Crediting Interest Philosophy - This is a participating and/or providing interest on accumulation insurance plan. Premiums received from the policies will be invested to a variety of assets according to China Life (Overseas)’s investment strategy. The surplus from the invested assets will be shared with policyholder through declared dividends and/or interest rate on accumulation in accordance with the relevant clause in the benefit provision. China Life (Overseas) will ensure a fair sharing of profits among different groups of Policyholders and also between Policyholders and China Life (Overseas). China Life (Overseas) will review and determine the dividend and / or interest rate on accumulation at least once a year, the current projection on dividend and/or interest rate on accumulation are not guaranteed and subject to change with the entire performance of the relevant policies and the factor including but not limited to the investment returns, claims experience, persistency, past experience and future prospect. In addition, China Life (Overseas) will consider both past and future outlooks of all factors including but not limited to:
Claims – including the costs of providing death benefit as well as other benefits under the product(s).
Investment return – including the interest income, dividend income, outlook of interest rates and any changes in the market value of the product’s backing asset.
Persistency – including Policy lapse and partial surrender experience.
Note: The dividend or interest rate history is not an indicator of the future performance of this product. - Investment philosophy, policy and strategy - China Life (Overseas) aims to strive for minimizing volatility of the investment return and provides stable return as our investment philosophy. Assets are invested in bonds and other fixed income instruments, such as government and corporate bonds and other fixed income instruments to support the guaranteed financial obligation. To enhance the performance of the investment portfolio, China Life (Overseas) invests in equity-type investments and other investment instruments such as mutual funds and direct / indirect investment in properties or commercial institutions.
The investment portfolio will be diversified across different geographic regions and / or industries. Investment strategy will be subject to change depending on the market conditions and the economic outlook. China Life (Overseas) will inform Policyholder the relevant changes in dividend and/or interest rate on accumulation and the impact to the policies when there is change in the investment strategy.
China Life (Overseas)’s current investment strategy on participating and / or providing interest on accumulation plans are as follow:
Asset type |
Target asset mix (%) |
Bonds and other fixed income instruments |
30% to 90% |
Equity-type investment and other investments |
10% to 70% |
Please refer to China Life (Overseas)’s website www.chinalife.com.hk/products/dividendandinvestment for dividend history, dividend and / or crediting interest philosophy, investment philosophy, policy and strategy, as well as the fulfillment ratio of China Life (Overseas).
- Cooling-off right - You have the right to cancel the policy within the cooling-off period and obtain a refund of any premiums paid by giving written notice to us provided that you have not made any claims under the policy. Such notice must be signed by you and submitted to China Life (Overseas) at 22/F, CLI Building, 313 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong within 21 days after the delivery of the policy or issue of a notice to you or your representative informing you that the policy is available, whichever is earlier.
What are the key product risks?
Credit risk:
This product is a life insurance policy issued by China Life (Overseas). Any premium paid will become part of our assets and our financial strength will affect our ability to meet our contractual obligations to you under the policy. Therefore this product is subject to our credit risk.:
The savings component of the Plan is subject to risks and possible losses. Should you surrender the policy early, you may receive an amount considerably less than the total amount of premiums paid.
Exchange rate and currency risks:
Any policy with foreign currencies involves risks, such as potential changes in political or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. The fluctuations in exchange rates may also cause financial losses to you during currency conversions. You should consider the potential currency and exchange rate risks before deciding which Policy currency you should take.
Inflation risk:
The cost of living in the future may be higher than expected due to the effects of inflation. Therefore, your current planned benefits and/or returns may be insufficient to meet your future needs even if we fulfill all of our contractual terms and obligations.
Liquidity and withdrawal risk:
You are obliged to hold the policy and pay the Premium for the designated period of time. If you terminate the policy prior to the policy maturity date, you will suffer a financial loss. In case you make partial withdrawals from the Policy, your account value, death benefit and other Policy values will be reduced, and you may need to pay the relevant handling fee or charges (if any).
Non-guaranteed benefit:
This Plan consists of non-guaranteed benefits and/or returns. The actual amounts of benefits and/or returns in the future may be different from the benefits and/or returns which project on the product materials. The product materials are for illustrative purposes only.
Policy Termination:
The policy will be terminated if (a) the policy is lapsed or surrendered; or (b) the company has paid the policy maturity benefit; (c) the company has paid the death benefit in full, (d) the due premium has not been paid within 31 days after the premium due date, and the policy has no remaining guaranteed cash value, or (e) the indebtedness of the policy is equal to or exceeds the guaranteed cash value of the policy.
The information and descriptions contained herein are not intended to be complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions applicable to the products and services, but are provided solely for general informational purposes. For complete details please refer to the actual policy or the relevant product or services agreement.